Abstract random learning style
Abstract random learning style

abstract random learning style

abstract random learning style

Cats like to experiment, are hands-on risk-takers, and learn from the. So each may learn: Integrating learning styles and multiple intelligences. Let’s meet the learning styles zoo Cats ( scientific term: Concrete-Random-Learner). Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence. Concrete Random, Abstract Sequential, and Abstract Random. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals. Gregorc identified four different learning styles: Concrete Sequential. When you are using your random ability, you may often be able to skip steps. Learning style profile handbook: Accommodating perceptual, study and instructional preferences (Vol. Random: Lets your mind organize information by chunks, and in no particular order. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. These thinkers organize information through reflection, and thrive in unstructured. Professor Anthony Gregorc, professor of curriculum and instruction at the University of Connecticut, has divided these into four groups. International Learning Styles Network (ILSN) is comprised of 25 International Centers in 11 countries that provide additional training, direction and support for the use of the Dunn & Dunn Model in over 100 countries worldwide. Not only do we have our preferred learning and working styles, we also have our favorite thinking styles. Gregorc Style Delineator: Developmental Technical and Administrative Manual, Revised Edition. Teaching With Style: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Learning by Understanding Teaching and Learning Styles. Frames Of Mind: The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences. Females with an abstract random style were not receptive to computer-based instruction. This theory put us all on a spectrum between concrete and abstract thinking, and between sequential and random ordering of our thoughts. Performance Concepts International, Danbury, CT. Ames (2003) found that learners with an abstract sequential learning style had greater condence, in and were less anxious about, using computers for learning than those with an abstract random, concrete sequential, or concrete random learning style. Anthony Gregorc and Kathleen Butler went into more detail about how we think, and how this might affect the way we learn. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.ĭunn, R., Rundle, S.

#Abstract random learning style how to#

How to implement and supervise a learning style program. Not only do we have our preferred learning and working styles, we also have our favorite thinking styles. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.ĭunn, R. Sources: TheLearningWeb Floating Neutrinos. developed a scale tool including 40 questions that reflects the features of 4 learning style dimensions which he suggested in his model (concrete sequential, abstract sequential, concrete random, abstract random) (Sa, 2005). Psychogeometrics: How to Use Geometric Psychology to Influence People. One who had a preference for the learning style of Abstract Sequential tended to use the trait of thinking while another who used the learning style of Abstract. Learn more now: 10 simple steps to learning better, smarter, and faster. Students representing the abstract-random learning style prefer to listen to, learn from, and respond to their fellow classmates participate in group. Knowing and reasoning in College: Gender related patterns in student development. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Reynolds (Eds.), Proceedings of E-Learn 2008-World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. Correlating college students' learning styles and how they use Web 2.0 applications for learning. Future studies need to further cultivate relationships between learning styles and Web 2.0 utilization level in different contexts. The limitation of the study includes small sample size and other factors influencing participants’ reporting. Results indicated certain descriptive statistical relationship and significant correlations between different learning styles (Concrete-Random, Abstract-Random, Concrete-Sequential, Abstract-Sequential) and the utilization level on six Web 2.0 applications (Blog, WIKI, online social community/Facebook, online video sharing/YouTube, online video & audio conference/Skype, social virtual environment/Second Life). The survey contains 118 items drawn from Gregorc Style Delineator and categories from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. 107 individuals participated in this study in Spring 2008. This survey study investigated the relationship between learning styles and utilization level of Web 2.0 applications among college students.

Abstract random learning style